Coptic Cosmos
So, what about the Coptic faith makes them unique? How do their beliefs differ from others? Well, they believe that Christ was born with no sin and that he will return to take his devoted followers to Heaven, which is more or less what any other Christian believes. The Coptics face a lot of persecution for their Christian faith in Egypt, which is nothing new. They have lived with this for the better part of 2,000 years. Jesus had said that his followers would be persecuted as he was. Copts were actually among the first group to believe that Christ was a man and God simultaneously.

Copts receive sacraments, fast, and virtuously giving to others, an act referred to as almsgiving. They have baptisms for infants, which involves immersing the child in sanctified water three times. Parents are supposed to wait 80 days to baptise their female baby, but only half of that time if it is a boy. They confess their sins and receive communions as well. Those who are receiving must fast for nune days beforehand. It is forbidden for married couples to engange in sexual relations the day before, and women who are menstruating are prohibited from receiving it. Copts believe in Trinity and the Holy Spirit. They follow the bible. They venerate saints and other religious icons and they believe in the concept of salvation.
Coptic Baptisms:

Adult Baptism:

Coptic Communion:
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